Announcing the Second Intercontinental Meeting on Science Literacy: The Science Culture Construction

Official Logo of the Second Annual Meeting on Science Literacy: The Science Culture Construction Mark your calendars for August as we gear up for the much-anticipated “Second Annual Meeting on Science Literacy: The Science Culture Construction. Following the resounding success of our First Annual Meeting on Science Literacy, where we delved deep into the critical role of scientific literacy in addressing climate change, this year, … Continue reading Announcing the Second Intercontinental Meeting on Science Literacy: The Science Culture Construction

BRICS Academy and Andean Road Countries for Science and Technology Sign MoU for Science and Technology Collaboration

In a landmark development, the BRICS Academy and the Andean Road Countries for Science and Technology officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on January 29th, 2024 to foster collaboration in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. The agreement marks a historic moment, bringing together two entities with a shared vision for advancing the paradigm of science culture construction and contributing to the Belt … Continue reading BRICS Academy and Andean Road Countries for Science and Technology Sign MoU for Science and Technology Collaboration

Bienvenidos al 2º Congreso Intercontinental de Ciencia y Tecnología

Esteemed members of the scientific community and dedicated friends advancing the frontiers of knowledge, We extend a warm and compelling invitation to you for the upcoming Second Intercontinental Congress of Science and Technology. This extraordinary event is not merely an intellectual endeavor but a collective pursuit aimed at not only expanding our minds but also fostering global collaboration to bring about positive transformation in our world. … Continue reading Welcome to the 2nd Intercontinental Congress of Science and Technology

Invitación 2do Congreso Intercontinental de Ciencia y Tecnología

Estimada comunidad científica y amigos comprometidos con el avance del conocimiento, Nos dirigimos a ustedes con entusiasmo y propósito para invitarlos a participar en el Segundo Congreso Intercontinental de Ciencia y Tecnología, un evento que busca no solo expandir nuestras mentes, sino también fomentar una colaboración global que transforme positivamente nuestro mundo. Detalles del Congreso: Fecha: 27 – 29 de Marzo de 2024 Lugar: Hibrido via zoom, presencial … Continue reading Invitacion 2do Congreso Intercontinental de Ciencia y Tecnología

Centro Internacional de Innovación en Ciencia y Tecnología para América Latina y el Caribe (CICITLAC)

Introduction: CICITLAC is at the forefront of addressing the triple planetary crisis, committed to fostering innovation in science and technology for sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Established as a pioneering institution, CICITLAC envisions a future where scientific advancements drive solutions to mitigate environmental challenges, promote social well-being, and ensure economic resilience. Mission: CICITLAC is dedicated to advancing science and technology to confront … Continue reading International Center for Innovation in Science and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean (CICITLAC)

Centro Internacional de Ciencias Verdes para América Latina y el Caribe

The International Green Science Center for Latin America and the Caribbean (IGSCLAC) is a pioneering institution dedicated to promoting sustainable development through cutting-edge scientific research, education, and community engagement. Grounded in a commitment to cultivating a culture of green science, the center addresses environmental challenges and aims to establish harmony between nature and society. IGSCLAC envisions empowering academic communities in the Latin American and Caribbean regions with state-of-the-art green science to steer them toward a future characterized by sustainability and resilience.

The mission of IGSCLAC includes groundbreaking research, comprehensive educational programs, and strategic collaborations with academic communities and stakeholders. The focus areas encompass research excellence, innovative solutions for sustainable resource management, educational outreach, partnerships and collaborations, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies for environmental monitoring.

The center adheres to the paradigm of Science Culture Construction, emphasizing interdisciplinary approaches, community involvement, sustainability ethics, education for empowerment, and global cooperation. IGSCLAC actively engages in international collaborations to disseminate advanced knowledge and contribute substantively to global sustainability endeavors.

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Ceremonia de entrega de premios de SFAST 2023

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and esteemed participants welcome to the award ceremony of the “Sustainable Future through Applications of Science and Technology – SFAST 2023 international contest” as a fundamental aspect of the celebrations of the World Green Science Day WGSD 2023. Tonight, we gather to celebrate innovation, creativity, and a commitment to building a sustainable future through the power of science and technology.​ … Continue reading Award Ceremony for SFAST 2023

El Día Mundial de la Ciencia Verde culmina con la ceremonia de entrega de los premios SFAST 2023 - Un hito en la construcción de la cultura científica mundial

“International Contest Winners to be Honored Tomorrow, Marking the Apex of Sustainability Innovations” January 6th, 2024 marks the grand finale of the celebrations of the World Green Science Day, and the pinnacle event is set to be the award ceremony of the international contest “Sustainable Future through Applications of Science and Technology – SFAST 2023.” This ceremony not only recognizes outstanding contributions to sustainable innovation … Continue reading World Green Science Day Culminates with SFAST 2023 Award Ceremony – A Milestone in Global Science Culture Construction

Publicados los resultados de la segunda fase del concurso SFAST 2023

Estimados concursantes, Nos complace anunciar el concurso "Futuro sostenible a través de las aplicaciones de la ciencia y la tecnología - SFAST 2023", cuyo objetivo es promover la aplicación de la ciencia y la tecnología hacia un futuro sostenible. El concurso está abierto a todas las personas apasionadas por la ciencia y la tecnología que quieran marcar la diferencia en el mundo. El tema del concurso de este año es "Sostenibilidad ... Continúa leyendo Publicados los resultados de la segunda fase del concurso SFAST 2023

Invitación al concurso SFAST 2023

Contest AnnouncementThe Science Culture Construction towards a“Sustainable Future through Applications of Science and Technology” Purpose The Science Culture Construction towards a “Sustainable Future through Applications of Science and Technology – SFAST 2023” contest is launched by the Andean Road Countries for Science and Technology (ARCST), the International Center for Innovation in Science and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean (CICITLAC), the International Green Science … Continue reading Invitation to the SFAST 2023 Contest